Falz inspires me-Kaydee talks about his favourite rappers and his song “Utaka”

I met up with rapper Kaydee, who’s last single “Utaka” has been getting rave reviews to talk about his inspiration and all-time favourite things.

Check it out:

Hi Kaydee, what’s up? How’ve you been?

I’m good. Merry Christmas by the way 

Yeah,  Happy holidays. How did you spend Christmas?

It was okay, I went home and I saw parents. It was nice to see my family again after such a long time.

Cool! So I want to talk about your song Utaka which I really love, by the way.  Lovely song.  What inspired it? John Utaka? I think, obviously. Right?

Um, no. Actually. You’d think it was him but it wasn’t. It’s actually the Baba Suwe sample at the beginning of the song


Yes, where he says “Emi, (hahaha) ehhh!!!
Abi tori pe o ti try e
Abi ko gbe, Abi ko to wo.
Wa mo pe Utaka, Attacker, Turaya.


So a friend of my loves that movie and one day I saw the clip on Twitter and I thought “I should be able to sample this on a song” 

And I think I was doing laundry when the whole hook came together in my head.

So I wrote it down and everything just came together from there.

It’s a lovely song.

Thank you 

You’re welcome. So you’re working on a new mixtape and you just dropped a song “Juice”

Yes, I wrote Juice in October 2021 but I wasn’t able to record it for the longest time.

But this year I recorded some songs for my mixtape and thought “you know what, I’ll record this. And I did and it came out nice

Cool. So when’s the mixtape coming out?

February. I’m waiting for some of the featured artists to send in their verses

Do you have a name for it?

Not yet but I’m trying to think of one. I’ll take suggestions if you have any 

Okay, let me see. I’ll think of something and share with you on Twitter 


So, you’re a student right?


Cool. Time for our quick fire questions: The Top Three

Let’s do this 

Top three future collaborations

Droxx, King Pelz and hopefully Falz the  Bahd Guy

Top three venues to perform in 

Eko Convention Centre, UniLag main auditorium and the 02 Arena

Why is it so important for you to perform in UniLag? That’s your school right?

Yes, that’s my school and I’d really love to sell out my school.

Chai, I hope it happens 

So Top three ways to spend a fun day

Movies, video games recording 

Top three things you can’t leave the house without 

Sunglasses, a face cap or a durag and my earphones 

Holiday destinations 

Dubai, The Maldives and my village

Where is your village?

It’s in Osun State. I’ve never been there before but I’ve been told that it’s actually a pretty cool place 

Favourite things about your life right now 

My family,  the catalogue of music I have coming soon and my friends 

Aww. How sweet. So Most inspirational rappers. Dead, living, future and past.

I’d say Falz the Bahd Guy, he’s my number one. My brother is here clapping for me 

He loves Falz too? 

Yes, so Falz, King Pells and Grimaldi Banks

Favourite foods

Beans, jollof rice and Jollof rice and beans 

Wait, Beans, jollof rice and Jollof rice and beans ?

Yes, exactly in that order

Ok. Favourite songs of all time ?

Soft Work by Falz, Bad, Baddo, Baddest by Falz and Laxer by Falz

Favourite movies of all time 

I don’t really like movies. I prefer series 

Alright then. Series

How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory 

Alright. Thank you so much for talking to me, Kaydee. Good luck with your mixtape and enjoy your holidays 

Thank you

Check out Kaydee’s latest singles Juice and Utaka

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram

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